Monday, September 11, 2006

Are You In This Picture?

Click on the Picture!


At 3:10 PM, December 11, 2006, Blogger Susan Wellborn said...

Would someone please put name to these faces? I can recognize a bunch of folks but on others am drawing a complete blank. Who was the teacher?

At 7:27 PM, December 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Miss Waters first grade class at John D Hodges. Front row (4L) Isabelle. 2nd row (4L) Buddy Mitchum, (5L) David Threatt, (7L) Tommy Williams. 3rd row (4L) Julia Bragg, (5L) Wanda Ann, (6L) Bobby Curry. 4th row (1L) Johnny Reeder, (2L) Mary Eda, (3L) Kathy Price, (5L) Jimmy Helms 5th row (3L) Mary Faith, (4L) Jerry Crump, (5L) Jane Gussler. 6th Row (1L) Judy Terrell, (3L) Clem, (5L) Marizell, (6L) Sara. James Bell, Bruce Walters, Danny Rogers and Bill Kendrick are across the back row.

At 9:25 PM, December 11, 2006, Blogger Mary Eda said...

Busy day........but fun to unwind a bit with these photos again tonight. This has been one of my favorite postings, and I often come back, just to look at the "little" version of all of us who're enjoying our reunion times now.

We've tried several times in recent years to "identify our classmates", and I don't have any of those results handy. Still think I'll make an effort to go through the picture row by row, add to those recognized in the posting above.
(If anyone can "fill in the blanks" with more info, I'll be glad to delete this posting, add those new ID's and work toward a complete list!)

1st Row (l to r):
______________, Carol Baker, Andy Creed, Isabelle Secrest, Rosie ?, Patsy Moore, Joyce Hamilton, Eddie ?

2nd Row (l to r):
Greg Goode, __________, __________, Buddy Mitchum, David Threatt, Deb Owen, Tommy Williams

3rd Row (l to r):
Ginny Howie, Judy Perelez, Barbara Lee Griffin, Julia Bragg, Wanda Holloway, Bobby Curry

4th Row (l to r):
Johnny Reeder, Mary Eda McCollum, Kathy Price, ____________, Jimmy Helms, Carolyn Goodwin

5th Row (l to r):
___________, Carolyn Reeder, Mary Faith Milton, Jerry Crump, Sadie Mae Sikes, Jane Gusler

6th Row (l to r):
Judy Terrell, Jane Champion, Tommy "Clem" Davis, Diane Lowery, Marizell Austin, Sara Walters,

Back Row (l to r):
Miss Waters, James Bell, Bruce Walters, Danny Rogers, Bill Kendrick

Too bad there isn't a movie (even the old version) of these little people!

At 12:37 AM, December 12, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One more..................

Somoene passed along that the first person on left, first row is:

Charlie Edwards

Sound familiar?


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