You Must Be In It To Win It!

Wow!, thanks Mary Eda for mentioning WIXE Radio. That beach music is awesome. Tell you what – let’s add a permanent link to WIXE Radio right now. And, while I’m on the subject of links, look over to your right, under the “links” and you’ll see something new - a group of numbers. Yes, those are Power-Ball Lottery numbers. And, if you’re a 1963 graduate of Monroe High School – AND – if you’ve posted on this blog – those are your numbers too. Now, wouldn’t that be a powerful Oprah story, “1963 MHS Classmates Win the Powerball and Share a Quad-Zillion Dollar Jackpot!”? Don’t laugh! Far stranger things have happened – that’s for sure!
You must be in it to win it – and - you must blog to be in it.
The ticket is good for 52 drawings – 26 weeks - and will be renewed indefinitely, thereafter. Drawings are held Wednesdays and Saturdays of each week. So blog now and cross your fingers… say a little prayer... do a little dance… pick a four-leaf clover… drop a quarter in the wishing well… wear your pants inside-out….
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