Monroe High School ~ Class of 1963 ~ Monroe, NC
Friday, June 04, 2010
Sunday, November 01, 2009
MHS 63: 12th Annual Fall Beach Retreat
Laughter, friendship, sunshine, BBQ and Trivia! Great good to see everyone again.
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Center Theater

Monday, June 09, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Happy Birthday, Snoopy!

Happy Birthday, Snoopy!
At 57 years old, this star of stage, screen, and comic page has entertained several generations. He has taken on the infamous Red Baron, written numerous unpublished short stories, played several sports, sold insurance, created a legendary dance, and achieved the rank of Beagle Scout. From his humble beginnings on Daisy Hill Puppy Farm, Snoopy has gone on to conquer the world with his energy, determination, and heart.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Simple Days of Birthday Parties.....
Remember the days....?

(Maybe we've come full circle.... I do remember just cake and "punch" and "friends from school" at that MHS Fall Retreat 60th celebration..................but it seemed like a grand celebration!)
Just sharing an old photo. (Maybe some of you recognize yourselves? There are eight members of Class of 63 visible above. Probably about age 6 or 7?)
Happy Summer,
Mary E
Friday, March 16, 2007
Pet Show 8

I’ve noticed Nita Wall has added some names to the Coca Cola Police post below (click on comments). If you’re not clicking on comments, you’re missing out on more than half the action.
(John Milliken’s home on South Main Street)
Click here or on the picture above to enlarge.
Photo Courtesy of John Gulledge
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Our original lottery ticket has been renewed for another 52 draws – 26 weeks!
(Thanks to the many folks, classmates and friends, who’ve posted and commented below. You are the best!)
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Remembering the Hand-Made "Mail Boxes"....
...May we never grow too old to love those little candy hearts with special messages, or the joy of exchanging notes & calls with friends.....
Happy Valentine's all the Young-at-Heart!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Pet Show 7

This proud owner and his prize-winning puppy also appear in Pet Show 2 below.
If you have old photographs stashed in your dresser drawer - why not pull them out, dust them off, scan them in, and share them with us?
Click here to take a quick detour through the fifties.
Sunday, January 21, 2007

Thursday, January 18, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Coca Cola Police
Monday, January 08, 2007
Monroe Fire Department (1951)

Thanks to the members of the Monroe Fire Department for the many favorable emails we’ve received (Christmastime at the Monroe Fire Department). Yes, here is another picture of the Monroe Fire Department (1951) and there could be more to follow.
Unfortunately, I cannot identify the firefighters in the Christmastime picture or in this picture. Hopefully, some members of our class can help with that.
We can accept credit for the comments but not the photographs. Credit for these photographs of the MFD should go to Mr John Gulledge. The picture quality you refer to is due to John’s use of a “digital negative scanner” totally eliminating the paper process altogether (film to pixels).
We appreciate ALL you do.
FOLLOW UP FROM NITA WALL: The names of the firemen are: "Dub" McClellan, ? Griffin, Jim Broome, Randy Quick, Ralph Skinner and Chief Goodwin.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
From Monroe to the NFL!

“He is the best tight ends coach in football,” Coughlin said.
Pope has proven that for many years. This is Pope’s 24th consecutive season as an NFL coach. He is one of the league’s most experienced, respected and successful assistant coaches. Pope has coached in 23 postseason games and is one of the few assistants to make four trips to the Super Bowl, having also gone with the New England Patriots in 1996. He is in his seventh season of his second tour of duty as a Giants assistant coach. In his two stints with the Giants, Pope has been with them for all three of their Super Bowl appearances.
Click here to open a new page and read the rest of this story.
Mike Pope (MHS 1960) is # 56 in the picture posted below ( see MHS FOOTBALL! Posted January 1).
Thanks to our Margaret McGuirt Broome
For submitting this information
Saturday, January 06, 2007

Thursday, January 04, 2007
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
"Driving" around Monroe
Love the old photo fun!
Came across this photo from Drivers Ed class.....(Sorry, John Gulledge. Wish our old snapshots were the quality of your great photos from those early years!)
Decided to go ahead and post this one, hoping it will trigger memories of other classmates about those Driver Ed days with Paul Taylor.
I just remember the excitement of my own summertime "driving days", and sometimes getting to drive out on "the Boulevard". (My parents only let me back our car out of the garage and pull around to front of house, in those pre-license days.)
At least for all the girls, "straight-drive" was a complicated undertaking. With the extra set of pedals on the front-seat passenger side, I guess Mr. Taylor had a little control on things!
Who's who? L to R: Bertha Horton, Sara Catherine Flow, Mary Eda McCollum. Class of '63
Friday, December 29, 2006
The Old Overhead Bridge

An enlargement allows us to read the sign on the building, “Henderson Roller Mill Co. – Home of Mystic Flour.” Apparently, the grain cars on the right delivered the raw material (wheat) for processing and the finished product (flour) was loaded back onto rail cars to the left for distribution across the country – a fairly sophisticated operation.
Another view of the old overhead bridge is from a postcard dated 1913 (Source: Looking Back at Monroe's History, by Virginia A. S. Kendrick).
Some of the concrete supporting pillars are still standing alongside the railroad tracks today but the overhead bridge was torn down in the 1950’s when the new Skyway Bridge was opened for traffic.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
That's MY Doll!
Seeing the previous posting of the Pet & Doll Show........and spotting my own, treasured Bride Doll....has just really had an exciting effect on me. Suddenly seeing an actual photograph of something held only as a memory all these years!
That doll was so, so special......far grander than anything I'd even seen, let alone had for myself. Perhaps my grandmother ("Miss Pearl" at The Smart Shop) had gathered scraps from alterations or something? She had fastened a "baby doll" to a stand, and then dressed her as a Bride, in rich satin and soft netting, little pearl beads and a tiny bouquet.
I remembered entering her into those doll shows, and always winning ribbons......still amazed that she really was mine.
Suddenly feeling the excitement of that little girl again, I've spent some time climbing around in our basement storage, digging back through leftover boxes from past moves, until I found the "saved doll" container, packaged and taped years ago.
I'm amazed that I still have it...........even more amazed at the size of this container. My first-grade memory of such a tall doll left me laughing as I pulled off the tape and opened the plastic box.
How exciting..........pulling the doll from all the wrappings.... the years melting away. As I straightened her veil, there were the ribbons, a faded pale blue one, and a red one. From the doll shows 55 years ago! (Can't remember if she was judged in two categories, winning the two ribbons, or if I had saved ribbons from two years, and proudly kept them both pinned on the veil?)
The posting on this blog triggered the memory of my doll for me, and renewed my interest. And, it's made this many years after receiving the doll as a little girl....very special. I've left her sitting out, for my son and his fiancee to see when they visit this week. A wedding coming up in a few months...somehow this whole experience seems like no "coincidence". Rather, still another connection to the past and happy memories of growing up in Monroe, to share with my friends and family.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Pet Show 6

(John Milliken’s home on South Main Street)
Click here or on the picture above to enlarge
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Christmastime at the Monroe Fire Department

Monday, December 18, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Time Magazine's Person of the Year: You

Associated Press Writer
New York
Sun Dec 17, 5:10 AM ET
Congratulations! You are the Time magazine "Person of the Year."
The annual honor for 2006 went to each and every one of us, as Time cited the shift from institutions to individuals — citizens of the new digital democracy, as the magazine put it. The winners this year were anyone using or creating content on the World Wide Web.
The 2006 "Person of the Year" package hits newsstands Monday. The cover shows a white keyboard with a mirror for a computer screen where buyers can see their reflection.
It was not the first time the magazine went away from naming an actual person for its "Person of the Year." In 1966, the 25-and-under generation was cited; in 1975, American women were named; and in 1982, the computer was chosen.
(Special thanks to those contributing to this blog on the World Wide Web either by posting, commenting or sharing photographs and memories.)
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Pet Show 4
(John Milliken’s home on South Main Street)
Click here or on the picture above to enlarge
Monday, December 11, 2006
Google Satellite Map?

No, this is not a Google Satellite Map. Nothing back to the future here!
It is an aerial photograph taken from an airplane (possibly a helicopter). Other aerial photographs will be posted in the future (Bundy’s Drive-In Theater, historic downtown Monroe, The Great Flood of ’49, and the old overhead bridge).
CLICK HERE to enlarge the picture superimposed with the graphics
or CLICK HERE to enlarge the picture without the graphics.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Miss Jesse McKee
Friday, December 08, 2006
Christmastime at J. Howard Williams Company

This photograph was taken on Main Street in front of the J. Howard Williams Company. At first glance, it appears to be a parade float but as you can see the trailer is obviously stationary. Its wheels are chocked and it’s also equipped with electric flood lamps and a microphone. The wire cage on the right suggests a contest – a store promotion of some type.
This entire block is now gone – destroyed! I distinctly remember Mr. Charlie Rogers and the barber shop but some of the other storefronts escape me…
…maybe one (or more) of our class historians has a better memory of that block?
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Pet Show 3

I’d give it to the kid in the middle - showing up with a spare dog is brilliant! The red ribbon should go to the little guy holding Rin Tin Tin. Everybody else takes home a white.
John Gulledge captured a picture of the winner and we’ll post that later on. In the meantime, give us your best guess – left to right - which contestant won this event?
(John Milliken’s home on South Main Street)
Click here or on the picture above to enlarge.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Christmastime in Monroe - 1955
The "young ladies" on the float are as follows:
In the very front: Betty Hargett (MHS - '57)
Behind and to Betty's left: Sara Lou Richardson (MHS - '57)
Behind and to Betty's right: unknown (please comment if you know)
At the rear, to Betty's left: unknown (please comment if you know)
At the rear, to Betty's right: is our Margaret McGuirt ('59) - mouth wide open, obviously wishing someone a VERY Merry Christmas!!!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Pet Show 2

Thanks also to Margaret Broome, for helping us put names to the faces in the Pet Show picture below. Those of you who read the wording under the Sears’ picture, already know Margaret is a graduate of MHS ’59. She is also the sister of Sam McGuirt (MHS ’55) “winningest quarterback ever” at Monroe High School (Walter Bickett) under Coach Jaynes. Also a sister to John – right many of us know John McGuirt (MHS '61).
It’s no secret. Everyone knows about those old photographs you have stashed in your dresser drawer. So, why not pull them out, dust them off, scan them in, and share them with us?
Monday, December 04, 2006
We were all winners!

Thanks to the kindness and generosity of Mr John Gulledge, we have a series of eight of these pet show pictures in our collection. There are prize winning dolls, dogs, birds, ponies and maybe a cat or two in the trees.
I’ll post these pet show pictures periodically over the next seven to ten days. So, check back often. If you’re not familiar with Miss Ollie Alexander’s Pet Shows, you owe it to yourself to learn more about them – See Nita Wall / May 2004.
If you would like to save these pictures to your desktop, you may do so. Click here or on the picture to enlarge it. Right click on the enlarged picture and left click on “save picture as”.
If my memory serves me correctly, there were blue ribbons, red ribbons, white ribbons and possibly more. Ribbon colors were important in those days. Ribbon colors were a measure of success. Fifty-four years later, those colors have faded away revealing the true secret – each and every one of us walked away from that pet show with a ribbon and as a winner.
If you have other pet show pictures, ribbons, stories, memories - I encourage you to share them with us here or email them to
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Saturday, December 02, 2006
The Rebel Quartet
Photo Courtesy of John Gulledge
See Nita's Articles: April 2003