Sunday, October 29, 2006

It's True

click on the picture to enlarge


At 2:34 PM, October 31, 2006, Blogger Mary Eda said...

Well, you had to be believe such a wide beach at low tide.
The spontaneous "picnic" idea wound up being two hours of fun, sitting around "grazing" on all the left-overs from the party the night before. That meant BBQ, fruit, cheese....even the ice cream was in the cooler. 12 or so joined in, conversation was great. Being on the beach on a warm October day was best of all. Let's do it again next year!

At 10:55 AM, November 02, 2006, Blogger Jim Helms said...

First time I knew about that writing in the sand - Cool! I smelled the food - eleven floors up! And, it's a good thing I did. With my eyesight, I would never have known there was a picnic in process. Hey! Just funnin' ya'. I have great eyesight. Especially when it involves food. I can read a Chaquita banana label at 300 meters and hear laughter even farther than that.


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